
Regular packages

Detailed comparison

Econo +
Premium +
$200 Monthly $350 Monthly
Google My Business profile management
Reviews monitoring
Profile optimization
Informations updates
Biweekly publications (on average)
Regular monitoring
Update and maintenance of the "About us" section
One page Website
Complete Website
Content Management System (CMS)
Appointment request form
Product manager (non-transactional)
News manager
Promotions manager
Web hosting
SSL security certificate
Google Analytics integration
Order Order

BILINGUAL OFFER: Get your bilingual package (French and English) for an additional $55 to the monthly fee.

* For one location. If you have several locations, contact us for prices!


Do I have to sign a long-term agreement with MWS?

All our plans, except the basic plan, are subject to a minimum agreement of twelve (12) months.

What work do you do on my Google My Business profile?

We optimize the SEO, respond to all positive and negative reviews, publish various content, modify business hours, add photos, etc. We also ensure that it is constantly monitored.

What is the difference between a microsite and a complete website?

The main difference is the number of tabs offered. A microsite has one (1) single page, while a complete website is made up of a minimum of five (5) tabs, which give you more space to highlight your services, promotions and different brand banners.

Are your plans complete turnkey services?

Absolutely! We offer our clients monthly turnkey plans. This way, you can concentrate on your work and we take care of your Web marketing.

What sets MWS apart from other Web companies?

We are is specialized in the automotive aftermarket industry. The difference is that we are in constant contact with key players and businesses in the sector.